Tamweeli ACADEMY

Tamweeli academy helps SMEs to learn valuable business skills to benefit their entreprise.


Tamweeli Academy offers a litany of financial tools and training options to SMEs looking to improve their business skills and understanding. Through both online and in-person instruction, Tamweeli Academy offers content designed by expert trainers via a series of short videos and online instruction that affords entrepreneurs the flexibility to learn at the time and place of their choosing. These relevant, easily digestible lessons explain essential financial concepts that are vital for business owners.

The combination of self-learning and interactive sessions provide efficient interventions for incredibly busy entrepreneurs to learn at their convenience, allowing them to address gaps in their financial knowledge and more effectively manage their business operations.

Why Tamweeli ACADEMY?

        • Simple: Content designed by experts to fit the needs of small businesses adapted to the local Market.
        • Pratical: The entrepreneur can train at his own pace, at times and locations of his convenience.
        • Interactive: Online and in-person sessions with experts to fully immerse the entrepreneur in vital subject matters.
        • Flexible: Distance, face-to-face, and hybrid classes to fit the needs of everyone.

We’re offering

Online courses

Each course consists of several modules. Each module contains several videos that the entrepreneur can watch at any time.

Interactive sessions

Periodical and interactive sessions are organized with the trainer to answer to the participants questions.

Face-to-face trainings

Occasional Face-to-face training sessions cover a range of topics



Who can benefit from Tamweeli ACADEMY?

A simple procedure!

Step 1

First, the entrepreneur needs to register via the form by clicking on the “Register” button on the Tamweeli ACADEMY page.

Step 2

The Tamweeli business consultant will contact the entrepreneur to let him know the dates of upcoming training groups.

Step 3

The entrepreneur will receive a login/password by email to access the Tamweeli ACADEMY training platform.

Step 4

The entrepreneur has 10 days to view the course modules and the videos. He can answer the quiz, ask questions and share comments with the trainer on the platform.